
PTS Panels Multi-Chemistry Controls


(1 Vial Each, 1.5 mL)

PTS Panels Multi-Chemistry Controls. Quality control materials for: Total Cholesterol, Glucose, LDL Cholesterol, Ketone, Tryiglycerides. For use with a CardioChek brand analyzer and PTS Panels Test Strips. CE marked. (1-Control Level 1, 1.5 mL, 1-Control Level 2, 1.5 mL)

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Multi-Chemistry Controls for use with BioScanner 2000, CardioChek, and CardioChek PA instruments. PTS Panels multi-chemistry controls Measures Glucose, Total Cholesterol, Ketone, and Triglycerides.

PTS Panels HDL Cholesterol test strips are designed to make testing easy and extremely accurate. CardioChek whole blood test systems, by Polymer Technology Systems, are user friendly and feature rich, combining intelligent design with cutting edge technology.

  • Checks the performance of the entire CardioChek test system: CardioChek PA device, MEMo Chip, PTS Panels test strips, and operator technique
  • New and improved formulation providing narrower and more clinically relevant control ranges
  • Recommended for use whenever a new lot or shipment of PTS Panels test strips are received or as required by local accrediting and regulatory bodies

Product Attachments:

Customer Bulletin

Test Instructions

Pkg Insert MC Controls English

Range Card